At the end of the year, people who have a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) may be worried about their “use it or lose it” dollars. Even those who have the carryover provision (up to $500 max) on their FSA plan may need to spend down their balances to get under the threshold. Never fear! We have 6 interesting ways for you to spend your FSA dollars before the end of the year.
Most people realize that during the summertime, sunscreen is essential. However, if you spend a lot of time outdoors during the winter, you need it then, too! This is especially true if you’re in to snow sports, go hiking, or hunting. Use your FSA to stock up and save your skin from harmful UV rays.
CPAP machine
If you have trouble sleeping and are prescribed a CPAP, you can buy the machine and accessories with your healthcare benefits account. A CPAP can be quite costly, so using those tax-free benefit dollars can go a long way towards helping you get more from your account. Don’t forget to get some extra hoses and the cleaning supplies, which are also FSA-eligible.
First aid kits
Having a first aid kit handy can literally be a lifesaver! Whether you need one for your home or to pack up in the car, your FSA dollars can pay for it.
Nighttime protection underwear for children
Does your little one wet the bed? You can use your FSA to buy nighttime protection underwear so they can stay dry and sleep well through the night.
Orthotic shoe inserts
Do you spend a lot of time on your feet? Does your hips and lower back hurt after you’ve been walking around a while? Pick up some orthotic shoe inserts with your FSA. You’ll feel better in no time and don’t have to worry about that pain in your back.
Acupuncture and chiropractors
Speaking of back pain … did you know that acupuncture treatments and chiropractor visits count as eligible expenses? Keep in mind you need a letter of medical necessity (LMN) to be reimbursed. So talk to your primary care doctor before the visit.
Of course, there are many ways for you to use your FSA benefits. Check out FSAstore.com for a wide range of products that are FSA-eligible. And remember to keep your receipts so you can file a claim!